Spa Packages

& Couples Massage

1 • un

  1. Luna Signature Facial (60 minutes)

2. Luna 60 minute Massage

3. Wine + Charcuterie

2+ hours | $265

2 • deux

  1. Biologique Recherche Hyper-customized Facial (60 minutes)

2. Luxe 90 minute Massage

3. Wine + Charcuterie

3 hours | $440

3 • trois

  1. Biologique Recherche Hypercustomized Facial (90 minutes)

2. DiamondGlow® Proinfusion Body Treatment

3. Luna 60 minute Massage

4. Wine + Charcuterie

4 hours | $740

Couples Massage

Experience the bliss of relaxing together.

Two, LUXE or LUNA massages, followed by chocolate and a glass of wine or sparkling water.

*Add a Charcuterie Board— $20 per person.

Please call for scheduling (615)454-4949.
Priced below for two massages.

60 min LUNA | $240

90 min LUNA | $350

60 min LUXE | $290

90 min LUXE | $400

120 min LUXE | $580

**Enhance your spa day or couples massage with a luxurious bottle of Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Brut Champagne or Veuve Clicquot Brut Rose Champagne.
Call or email for arrangements.